Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

Do you have any missing or broken teeth, as well as visible gaps and chips? If you've ever felt self-conscious about these gaps in your teeth, or if you want to do more to safeguard and enhance your teeth, contact Brown Dentistry to learn more about dental crowns. Dental crowns are an excellent option for people who do not want implants but still want to protect their teeth from future risk and damage.

What Exactly Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown procedure entails fitting a crown or cap over your natural teeth. This new crown serves two functions: it creates a protective barrier between damaged teeth and future damage - such as additional cracks, chipping, or even bacteria - and it conceals tooth imperfections like gaps or stains.


When you come to Brown Dentistry for your dental crown procedure, our skilled and dependable team will do everything possible to provide a relaxing environment while also taking care of your dental needs. Two appointments are required to complete the application of dental crowns:

The initial visit: During your visit, we will use a local anaesthetic before drilling out existing tooth decay. We'll take an impression of the tooth after we've drilled out the infected or decayed areas. You will then be fitted with a temporary crown.

Second visit: At your second visit, we will remove the temporary crown and replace it with your new, permanent crown. This crown will be custom-made for you and will be built to match the rest of your teeth. We'll cement the new crown to your existing tooth after it's been placed for long-term results.

Book your appointment with brown dentistry for dental crown treatment.
