Kids Dental Care

Kids Dental Care

It is preferable to prevent than cure. Preventing decay and cavities in children’s primary or milk teeth is a complicated process.

During the first year of life, children begin to develop their baby teeth. They begin to lose their initial set of teeth at the age of 6 or 7 years, which are eventually replaced by secondary, permanent teeth. The first dental visit should take place within the first six months of the eruption of the milk teeth (by the child's first birthday). Early dental visits will aid in the prevention of decay and the monitoring of the permanent teeth's growth.

Brown Dentistry is Chennai's foremost paediatric dentistry centre, with the greatest paediatric dentists in the city. We address your child's dental health needs by instilling excellent habits in them from the start. We begin by educating parents on the necessity of caring for infant teeth until they are naturally shed as the jaw matures.
